Daymon Leasuasu
Daymon Leasuasu
Please support us and help us fight for Division 2!
Date of birth生年月日1993/01/20
Height/Weight身長/体重200cm / 115kg
Place of birth出身地Christchurch, New Zealand
Highschool出身高校Aorere College
University出身大学Auckland University
Personal Life Q&A
Hobbies/Skills趣味/特技Gold and Gaming
How do you spend your holidays?休日の過ごし方は?Flying home to family
If you are dating with player in Kurita who would you pick? Why?クリタの選手と付き合うなら誰?その理由は?ピアーズ・フランシス
he has heaps of money -
What music do you like?好きな音楽は?Hip hop and R&B
What is your favorite place in Akishima City?昭島市のおススメスポットは?Yakiniku King
When did you start playing rugby?ラグビーをはじめた年齢は?15 years old
Why did you start playing rugby?ラグビーを始めたきっかけは?Have fun and play along side friends
Someone you admire? (Player, coach, etc. )憧れの人は?(選手や恩師などラグビー関係)Norm Maxwell
What is your strength?得意なプレーは?Lineout
What is your routine before game?試合前のルーティンEat heaps of steak and pasta for energy!